Escape from Reality: Foggy Dawn

WOW!!!! What a beautiful sight. The past two mornings we were greeted with an awesome winter scene. Hoarfrost. Feathery frost crystals formed on everything! Once again on Sunday, I took advantage of a weekend morning with Ross home to watch the boys and bundled up to head outside and enjoy the peacefulness of the morning. Camera in hand and Willow at my heals we set off. You can see above the sight that awaited right outside the door.

Ambling around our little patch of trees showed that beauty can be seen everywhere. This "weed" took on a new appearance covered in frost. It looked like a beautiful crystal covered jewel. Pine trees wore coats of white fur. The starkness of a typical winter morning had disappeared for a few hours.

The morning was quiet... Pristine... Tranquil... Although I don't make it out for too many sunrises, It certainly is refreshing every now and then. This was a day that would have been wonderful to have a life remote with a pause button. =)


Anonymous said...

the last picture looked like an island across the water


Our Backyard and Beyond said...

That one, I climbed the fence back by the big sweetgum tree and took a picture of the fog across the field of snow. =)