Ready to Go Kayaking?!?!

It snowed and snowed and snowed last night! We woke up to around 5-6 inches of snow. That is a lot for this area. It is awesome! I miss getting snow like this each winter. I love to get outside and enjoy it. In fact once I woke up and started functioning a little bit, I went out by myself to take in the undisturbed beauty of fresh fallen snow. Ah! We have six acres, with about half of that planted in trees that are right at 6 years old now. It is such a cool place to just go explore.

I took my time. Remember, I stay home with my guys. I don't get much time by myself. Any time I get I try to take full advantage of. However I knew that my boys were patiently waiting for me to come back to help them bundle up for their turn, so I came back sooner than later.

We got Riley and Braden geared up and ready to go. TanMan got to stay inside with grandpa so that the rest of us could play! I'm not so sure that he thought this was such a good idea. He sure watched out the widow to check out everything going on out where we were. Next year there is absolutely NO WAY we will be able to get away with this!!!

Out we went. Jumped in some snow drifts. One in front of the house was up to Riley's waist!!! Threw some snow (couldn't really make good snowballs.) Tromped down the driveway to see how much it drifted. Pulled boys on the sled for a while. This was Braden's preferred method of travel. His little legs just didn't go in the 5 inches of snow. Watched Willow romp all over! She had a blast and is one pooped pup tonight.

Got the three wheeler out to pull the sled around for the boys. Decided it might be more fun to go kayaking instead! Yeah, I know there is 5+ inches of snow all over southeast Missouri and the water is colder than cold, but where there is a will there is a way! Kayak + three-wheeler = GREAT FUN!

After snapping a bunch of pics for posterity, I joined the ride up and down the drive. I mean after all, if you are going to be crazy enough to kayak in the snow, might as well let the whole world watch too. Next time you think it is too cold out to do some of your favorite outdoor activities, try thinking outside the box a little. You might get a few laughs and have a ton of fun!


Anonymous said...

looks like a lot of fun, wish we were there we didn.t get a single snowflake here.

Anonymous said...

from 70 north thre was nothing.
forgot to tell who


Bev said...

You guys are a blast! Snowboarding in a kayak...only you two would be creative enough to think of that.

The KS Aunt said...

Snow! Yuck! Give me tons of warm sand to play in any day. After our 20 inches on snow in just a couple weeks the end of Dec and beginning of Jan, I'm ready for SPRING! But the pics are great and it does look like fun! Everything is more fun with younguns around.