Color in the Sky

I love rainbows! They brighten up the grayest of days. They add a pop of color to a winter scene. Today a brilliant rainbow crossed our backyard for a few minutes as the sun peeked out during a steady rain. What a nice way to end a rainy, gray weekend.


w&m said...

looks like a cool rainbow, we didn.t see any sun yesterday and woke up to snow today.

Bev said...

I am having the same problem with your blog here at work that we had at your grandma's yesterday. The right hand column follows below your post and has a white background. But then, your post displays under your banner as a single column with a black background and gray font, making it nearly impossible to read. Hope that's enough description to get you started toward a resolution. I don't have that problem when I sign on to your blog at home.

Oh yeah...I absolutely love the rainbow photo!