Mixed Emotions…

I know it has been a few days.  Please excuse the absence.  It has been a crazy week or so…


February 11th—TanMan turned one!!!!     Where in the world does time go?  Seems like just last week we were bringing him home!  Oh, how he has grown and changed and fit into our family so perfectly.  Who would have guessed that we could love him soooo much!  His brothers are certainly at the top of his list of admirers.  Along with his parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors down the drive, friends down the road, the little ladies at the grocery store, you name it.  His smile will hook anyone in a heartbeat.  Just look at it, aren’t you hooked too?


February 12th-15th—Headed north.  We spent last weekend in IL to celebrate TanMan’s 1st birthday.  It was a good time!IMG_9985

He loved smashing his cupcake to smithereens!  Until he discovered how yummy it was, then he wanted it back on the highchair tray.  “Hey, that is yummy!  Give me some more daddy!” 

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Braden didn’t care what was going on, at least once he got his cupcake!  Talk about some intent concentration to make it disappear…  Riley, our non-cake eater, was tickled to share TanMan’s birthday with a customized nutty bar.  Grandma made it into a number one in honor of the birthday boy.


Ah, such simple pleasures…  Cupcakes and nutty bars.

Ross, our personal cake master, did the honors of decorating Grandma Pogue’s freshIMG_9979 baked cupcakes.  I think he did an awesome job.  (I might be a little bit partial though.)  Love the number one, and of course the initials.  A road is a perfect addition for any of our motor head boys.  They have all had the built in motor noise from an early age.  After thought—could have done paper cars on toothpicks to put on the road.  Oh Well, hindsight is 20/20.  There is always next time.  I think more cakes are on the horizon.  Two more b-day’s in March.  Be on the lookout for trains and dinosaurs.

February 17th—Our loss…  Willow died today.  We had her for 5 short months.  It was a terrible accident, but she was hit by a car and didn’t make it.  Crazy Chocolate Lab will be missed!  She brought a lot of smiles to our faces while she was with us.  Now she joins Keno and KittyKat up in heaven.  Riley is glad that Keno and Kitty will be able to help take care of her.  =) Love you Willow Dog!!!!!


Sure hope things calm down a little over the next couple of weeks.  I need a break!

Catch ‘ya again soon!


Bev said...

OMG! You slammed me with this one...I'm so teary and sorry for your loss. Willow was such a beautiful dog. These times always bring back the pain of losing Duncan.

Thanks for tempering this post with the beautiful photos of the boys and the creations of your very own Cake Boss (with help from your very own Mom!). Where has this year gone? It seems like just a blip ago that the grands and we were there to meet TanMan and he was what, a month old then?

The Kansas Aunt said...

So sorry to hear about Willow. We have all been there and it always hurts so much. No matter how many loved ones we have in our lives, we always have such a special place in our hearts for our critters. The joy they bring to us always outweighs the pain, no matter how long they are with us. Take care and here is a virtual hug from your Kansas clan - give all your guys hugs from us, too.

Our Backyard and Beyond said...

Thanks for the nice comments about Willow! She certainly holds a special place in our hearts.

Our Backyard and Beyond said...

Bev--Yeah, can you believe that it was almost a year ago that you guys and the kids were all down here? I have no idea where the time went!!!! As you plan your RV travles, you know that you all are welcome to come on down anytime! We are a good midway stop for many southerly destinations. =) And we have plenty of space for RV parking. You can set your own custom location.

Bev said...

Thanks for the open invite! I'm trying to get "The Mom" to let our grands come for three weeks in June so that we can go to the Indianapolis Kids Museum, to visit your family, to Silver Dollar City, to visit The Kansas Aunt, and back through St Louis to City Museum (where ideally your family would meet up with us), and then to visit the Great-Grandmas on our way back up to Chicago. Whew...what a trip that would be???!!!