It Rained…

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These guys were a little tough to keep up with from my drier perch in the screen room.  Might have been cause they were a wee little bit chilly, or maybe because they were having a blast, or maybe a little of both.  Regardless it was a blast to watch!

Waiting for more wet days ahead.


Bev said...

I have been intending to comment on this post for days. It's a perfect illustration of how lucky Sandee's and your kids are to have such fun, active dads!

By the way, file this under "Do as I suggest, not as I do". Get yourself in front of the camera sometimes girl!

Here is a link to a blog that I think you'll like. Three boys, live in Wyoming, husband a lineman, she's a budding photographer and she has a, "Shoot Me" segment. Every Thursday her followers can send a photo of themselves or something like that. She regularly makes the point that it's so important to leave your kids with photos of you too...excellent point.

Since much of the special stuff you do with the boys daily is when Ross isn't there to take photos, might I suggest that you ask for a simple point and shoot that the boys can use...great C'mas gift, maybe for the whole family? You might also be surprised at how much you would use one for quick shots...just sayin'

Of course I'm suggesting this in Comments so that your family sees it too...hint, hint.