Last Summer Adventure

So the other day (Tuesday) Ross called while he was at work.  He does this…  Nothing out of the ordinary.  Here is how the conversation went…

Ross: “When does Riley start school again?” 

Me:  “Next Wednesday.  Why?”

Ross:  “We never did get to go to the Magic House this summer.  You really wanted take the boys before the end of summer didn’t you?”

Me:  “Yeah.  But that is o.k.  Maybe we can go some weekend this fall.”

Ross: “So…  Want to take the boys to the Magic House tomorrow?” 

Ummm…  I am much a planner.  I don’t like to do big things last minute.  I must have time to absorb and prepare, mentally and physically.  This was a mere 16 hours before we would be leaving to drive to St. Louis the next day if we decided to go.  I tend to worry and fret when I am rushed.  I need to pack snacks, drinks, and and and stuff!  That takes TIME!  And an extra set of hands would sure be nice to take 3 boys to a big children’s museum.  Are we sure that we can make this work?  

Me:  “Let me think about this and absorb a little.”  (And see if anyone else can go with us!)

Ross did convince me that everything would be fine.  I got everything together and ready to roll everyone out the door quickly the next morning.  We got around in good time and didn’t run too late.  (Run late?  Like we had a strict timeline to keep!  I do that to myself.)  The boys were excited!  Riley settled in for the couple hour ride.  Braden was trying to absorb what exactly was going on.  

Braden:  “Where are we going?”  a few minutes later…  “What are we going to do?  Where are we going?”

When we finally got to the Magic House, the fun began!  We spent almost 5 hours there and still didn’t do everything.  We covered most of the museum, but passed a few parts here and there.  Check out the fun.  It was awesome!!!!!!!! 

  IMG_2589Riley hoisted himself about 5 feet in the air!  He thought the pulleys were really cool!

  IMG_2617 TanMan took right to going across this plank.  He had to try a couple of times to get brave enough to start, but then there was no slowing him down.  He just grinned as he looked through the net at the people below, and shimmied his way to the other side.  Then back again, and across again.  Over and over for a few minutes.


Boy in a bubble!  He got it almost up to his waist before it popped.  The bubble room was pretty fun.  Too bad it was soooo crowded.  We decided to move on so that we could check out more areas.

IMG_2657  Time to “eat.”  Braden is serving up some pizza at the Pasta House.  Every children’s museum that we go to, the boys are pulled in to the cooking/eating/grocery stuff.  It is fun to watch them in action.  Then we repeat the scenario for days at home afterward.  Braden has been cooking cinnamon rolls almost every day this week.  Even Tanner has been cooking up some sort of concoction and offering it to us.  IMG_2658  “Here.  Here.  Here.”  Tanner is sharing his pizza.

IMG_2665  Braden is busy cooking, cleaning, and talking on the phone in the kitchen.IMG_2667  Riley and Tanner showing Daddy how to play the piano.

IMG_2681  IMG_2683We had a bit of a hair raising time while at the Magic House!  The electostatic sphere has been there for years!  Braden and Tanner both thought it was pretty cool.  TanMan’s hair did a great job of standing up!    IMG_2686Having a great time!  This was a tunnel under some sort of long cabinet.  A sign at the beginning said something about wiggle like a worm.  Not sure what kind of connection it had to anything in the area since I did not read the rest of the sign.  Oops!  All I know is that the boys loved this!  All three crawled through the tunnel, got up, and RAN back to the start over and over and over and over and over and over…    IMG_2698

A rare picture of all three boys at the same time.  This might have been the only one of the day that everyone was facing the camera too!  Again wiggling through the tunnel.


Tending to the fire at the Lewis and Clark encampment.  I love the fact that Tanner and Braden are working together. 


Definitely a fun day!  The boys were all exhausted by the time we loaded back into the van.  I am sure that we will have to go back again sometime.  We will pick a cooler time so that we can enjoy a few of the outdoor areas of the museum too.  There was no way we were going to spend more time than it took to eat on this 100+ degree day!

We are now counting down the days until the start of school.  Riley is getting excited and nervous at the same time.  He is like me, doesn’t care for change.  He will do great and have a blast in first grade though!  Riley and I got to spend a couple of hours in the pool today and hope to do pool time again tomorrow.  We are going to head to the nature center near us on Tuesday to finish up the last days of this sweltering summer vacation!  We are looking forward to fall, cooler days, camping trips, and just getting outside more!


Bev said...

I am still hoping that we all get to go to the Magic House sometime when our grands are here. They would have a blast there too.

Love the pictures and your really conveys just how very much fun it was for all!