Our First Grader

Today was Riley’s first day of 1st Grade! 


He had an awesome first day.  Went right on in the cafeteria this morning without even hardly telling us bye.  Said that he would stay at school all night when I picked him up.  Guess that means that he is going to hit the ground running in first grade.  I can’t believe how fast he is growing up!!!! 


Bev said...

What a sweet photo! It's no surprise to me that he hit the ground running; he's a natural for school and will love it.

Tara Patterson said...

I just told Scott this a.m., I didn't have a chance to call and see how things went yesterday...sounds as though your a.m. drop-off was parallel to ours. When asked what Maranda's favorite part of her day was, she responded with 'riding the bus'...go figure! I did hear from her that she and Riley played at recess. :-)