Another Trip to Town…

Remember when I just said that you have to keep an open mind to find exciting things and that you just never know what you might find around that next corner, or through the next stoplight?  Well…  Here is another perfect example of opportunity awaiting when you least expect it.

It was just another ordinary Friday evening.  We were watching our friend’s girls tonight and decided to treat all the kids to a meal at BK.  We loaded up all five kids just after the pop-up storms passed through the area.  The clouds were thinning and the sun was starting to shine.  Off we go.  It isn’t too far into town.  The kids were having a good time chit chatting in the back singing made up songs and talking about 1st grade and 4 year old things.  The younger two were just giggling at all the big kids had to say and sing about.

Just as we pulled up to the stoplight in town, we saw it!  Ross made a quick lane change and we took a detour to see this unusual sight.  Here are some clues…  Can you guess what our town trek discovery was this evening? 


It was sleek and colorful!  Like a bright golden sun.


Many aerodynamic curves.


Personalized license plate in the front window?  Hmm…


Looks kinda like a space ship cockpit. 

Got it yet?  Any guesses?


Man I was hungry!  I mean we came to town to eat.  Maybe we should have just grilled some hot dogs.  I didn’t think we would ever make it to Burger King.  Have you given up yet????  Here ya go, the giveaway pics! 

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It isn’t everyday you get to stand next to the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile!  To think, I almost changed my mind and fixed supper at home tonight with all the rain that was passing through the area.  Glad we once again went on one of our close to home adventures to town. 


Bev said...

Wowser! I had seen the older version of the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile but this sleek modern version is just the cat's pajamas. What am I talking about! I'm not old enough to be using early 50s jargon! Seeing this just seemed to bring those to mind.

The kids must have been over the moon seeing this (couldn't resist just one more...teehee)!

Tara Patterson said...

AMAZING! Thanks for sharing. :) And who was first to break out in song to the Oscar Meyer jingle??