Winter Wonderland

Last week we woke to an incredible wintery scene.  After the snow on Thursday, a fog settled in for the evening leaving the world blanketed in thick frost.  It looked like it had snowed again.  I was able to get out for a few (hundred) photos before Ross had to leave for work.  Here are some of my top picks for you to be mesmerized by.

Moonset 1-21-11


Sunrise frosty morning 1-21-11


Loads of Frost-Barn 1-21-11


Frosty Fences 1-21-11


Loads of Frost-Trees and Fence 1-21-11

What an incredible morning!  Despite the cold (it was around 10 degrees), I could have spent soooo much longer enjoying the peace and tranquility.  I am just grateful that we have this little spot of our own, otherwise there would have been no way that I could have taken a brief time out from the daily grind to go snap some photos.  Hope you enjoy looking as well.

Snow Days!

We finally got a good snow yesterday!  You know, one that you can actually get out and really play in.  One that makes it worthwhile to get everyone bundled up to go outside to play for more than a few short minutes.  One that covers the ground and warrants the snow toys.

Riley got out of school early yesterday and was out today too.  We bundled up and headed out to play both days.  Snow Much Fun!  (HeeHee)  I even got a little time to go out and just take some winter wonderland pictures too.  But to the business of play now…

Everyone got bundled up and ready to go outside.  Nova was not about to be left out of this fun time.  She was the first one to the door.  Don’t you love those smiles?  IMG_4268 

Nova was rearing to go.  The only thing that kept her still long enough to have her picture taken was me holding her ball right next to the camera.  Then she chose not to bring it back for that trick again!


The fun is even greater when shared with good friends!  We were so glad that Maranda and Remmi and their parents got to come play with us!  We introduced them to a little kayak sledding.  You might remember this from last year if you have read along with us for awhile.  It is great fun!  I will have to try to get a video up soon, so that you may glean the whole experience.  Who says you can’t kayak in the snow too?

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Tanner was a trooper.  He trudged through the snow.  Made it to the little slide.  Turned around and headed back.  Sometimes he crawled, sometimes he walked, and many times he wished to just be carried.  But, his lugginess makes that tough for his mommy’s arms.  As long as we were within reach, he was good to go.

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Then he just got plain cold, tired, and HUNGRY.  It was time to be done.  He was not a happy camper at that point.  A nice warm bath, full tummy, and cuddles on the couch were the perfect remedy for those tears.


Today we trudged out the door again.  It was COLD!  TanMan had a new preferred method of travel today.  The sled.  He stayed there most of the time that we were out.  If I stopped he rocked back and forth to try to get going again!  Crazy boy.  He tolerated me stopping to snap pictures and wait for his brothers, but was always glad to get moving again.

IMG_4421Boys moved snow with their big trucks.  We walked out back through our “woods” as Braden says.  We played Mantracker.  All was good til Braden got stuck in a “pricker” bush.  His big brother came to the rescue even though it meant capture by yours truly, the Mantracker.  At that point the troops were ready for full tummies and warm surroundings again.  Off to the house we headed. 

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Before we went in, we found some undisturbed snow (at least until Nova came through and disturbed it).  Boys all plopped down to make some snow angels.  Riley got it, Braden got it, Tanner just laid there.  He did not see the point at all!  Oh, well there is always next times.

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We will see what the weekend brings.  I am sure there will be more kayak rides.  More snow play.  Maybe we will give mantracker a go again, now that Braden knows to watch out for those sticker bushes!  Sunday we are supposed to get more snow.  This is what winter is supposed to be like!  Love it!

A View from the cam…

As promised here is one of the recent views from my new camera instead of a view of the camera. 


You can imagine where this could all lead as time goes on.  Any ideas to offer to my dearest husband for future views?  I am sure he would be delighted to help provide some footage for you.

One Year Ago…

I started blogging!!!  Wow!  I got off to a good start, getting posts on fairly often, yet lately time seems to be vanishing before I my eyes.  Life is still full of adventures.  Boys are crazy as always.  There is never a dull moment…  Maybe that is the problem!  I need a few dull moments so that I am not too tired to get posts put together.  =)  Regardless, I will do my absolute best to get some updates on here a bit more often.

We have spent a lot of time inside recently.  I think I am getting wimpy in my older more mature days.  I can’t stand to be out in the cold and wind.  Give me snow, and I am all for it.  But cold, brown, gray, dreary days of winter?  Nevermind, I will sit inside the warmth of my cozy abode sipping hot tea and watching the boys play. 

I got a new camera.  Intentions are to have it with me to take more pictures and even video when we are on the go.  The first couple of times it would have been handy to have, it was left on the computer cabinet.  Fail!  This will take some getting used to.  Never fear, it has been getting broken in around the house.  Check out my fabulous new camera.






IMG_4246Not exactly what I envisioned my new camera getting used for, but it kept the boys occupied for a good bit.  I am sure that this could just be the start of many train cam/pedal car cam/bike cam/kite cam/etc. ideas to come.  Must get cheaper little key fob cam for Ross soon!!!!!

See you again soon with more pics from the camera instead one of the camera.