Mechanics 101…

How to Change a Flat Tire


1.  Employ three strapping young men to help out.


2.   Ask the chief mechanic to assist when needed.


3.  Check out the spare.  Be certain it is aired up correctly.  This is determined by the bounce factor when jumped upon.


4.  Use the buddy system to safely remove the flat tire and place the spare tire back on the vehicle.


5.  Replace all lug nuts.  Sometimes it takes two hands to get them started.


6.  Be ready for a quality control check.  “Hmmmmmm…”


7.  “I think this one needs tightened a little bit more.”


8.  Finish tightening all lug nuts.  Clean up tools.  All Done!


Bev said...

I love this post...WOW! The story is perfectly told in your photos with your few choice words enhancing it, not overwhelming it like your verbose aunt does (this aunt I mean, never your Kansas aunt!)

Our Backyard and Beyond said...

Thanks for the comment about this post. It just flowed out. =) This one just didn't need many words.

The KS Aunt said...

I just call AAA when I get a flat, but this looked like a LOT more fun!!!! Can I call your pit crew to come to KC when I need help?

Our Backyard and Beyond said...

Yep, just give us a call!!
Chief Mechanic

The office manager says it might take a day or two to gather all needed supplies, and you might be stuck with the crew for a couple of more days, but no problem if that works for you! =)